
Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Product Info


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Cellgevity frasco y caja foto 2
Every cell in your body is under a never-ending attack from free radicals and chemical toxins.
Glutathione (pronounced “gloota-thigh-own”) is the cell’s primary protector and detoxifier. It is your body’s natural safeguard against accelerated aging.
Unfortunately, your cells just can’t make enough of it. Cellgevity™ provides your cells with patented nutrients that have been clinically shown to raise intracellular glutathione levels more effectively than any other supplement.
Cellgevity features the patented nutrient RiboCeine™* combined with 12 synergistic ingredients
scientifically selected to support and enhance the natural functions of glutathione.
The other ingredients included in Cellgevity:-
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  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports the immune system
  • Broccoli Seed Extract which protects against DNA damage
  • Turmeric Root Extract is a powerful free radical fighter
  • Resveratrol is an antioxidant that protects the heart
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid, an antioxidant which combats oxidative stress
  • Cordyceps increases stamina and promotes longevity
  • Milk Thistle supports the liver by removing toxins and heavy metals
  • Black Pepper helps the absorption of selenomethionine, Vitamin C and turmeric
  • Aloe Extract supports the immune system
  • Selenomethionine assists in the production of glutathione
  • Quercetin scavenges free radicals
  • Grape Seed Extract has anti-inflammatory properties
What is Glutathione??
A – Antioxidant:  Body’s premier neutralizer of all types of free radicals.
I    – Immune System Enhancer: Protects and regulates immune cells.
D – Detoxifier: One of the primary ways the body eliminates toxic environmental chemicals.
Causes of Glutathione Depletion:
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Pollution, Radiation, Stress, Illness, Poor Diet, Alcohol, etc all deplete glutathione levels.
 From Age 20, there is 10-15% decline in glutathione levels every decade!
Importance of Glutathione
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Cellgevity™ – Uncontested Superiority in Glutathione Enhancement
With the many antioxidants available to us , one of them does a superior job of defending your cells against free radicals and that antioxidant is Glutathione. Glutathione is naturally manufactured in your body. Unfortunately , aging slows the production of glutathione and -when you need it most, your Glutathione levels decline . It would be simple to fix if you could just supplement with glutathione , but that doesn’t work . Oral glutathione supplements are not effective , because as they pass through your stomach , the glutathione is damaged by your digestive acids and can’t be absorbed into the bloodstream.The strategy that actually works is taking glutathione precursors. These are the raw materials that the body needs to produce glutathione naturally . By providing your body with an added source of the ingredients it requires , blood and liver glutathione concentrations are boosted naturally – and significantly . To date the most effective precursor dietary supplement that I know of to support glutathione levels is Cellgevity.Cellgevity includes ncludes its own compound called RiboCeine, which effectively delivers 300% higher glutathione levels.
Cellgevity is the product of over twenty-five years of research by the famous medicinal chemist, Dr. Herbert T. Nagasawa. Dr. Nagasawa’s medicinal bona fides are as thorough as they are impressive!
It reduces the effect of accelerated ageing, stress, toxins, pollution, poor diet and sleep deprivation; and helps prevent and halt progression of:
Who should take Max Cellgevity?
Everyone can benefit from supplementing with Cellgevity. Cellgevity can help to slow down your aging process and keep you healthy and younger looking. If you are an athlete, or play any kind of vigorous sports, it will enhance your performance. Cellgevity carries the BSCG for sport certification, which means it is free from banned substances, making it ideal for professional sports people.If you are interested in obtaining optimum health, why not do yourself a favor and give Cellgevity a try. It has been endorsed by doctors worldwide, and will help you to live a healthier and happier life.
Dosage & Side Effects of taking Cellgevity?
For adults, the recommended dose of Cellgevity is 2 capsules twice a day with  meals. We recommend taking Cellgevity with meals, as some people experience some mild reflux if they take it on an empty stomach. This is because some components in Cellgevity are designed to stimulate the digestion.
It is best taken in the first half of the day (eg. with breakfast and lunch) as people often experience a natural boost in energy.
It is recommended that you drink plenty of water (at least 2 litres) through the day when taking Cellgevity
As the product begins to work and accumulated toxins are eliminated, some  people may initially experience mild ‘detoxification’ symptoms such as –
headache, muscle discomfort, frequent urination and passage of gas as well as fatigue.
Detox symptoms may occur immediately or occur after weeks on the product. These symptoms will diminish with time as energy levels and other health benefits increase. Increasing your intake of fresh vegetables and decreasing processed foods will assist with this process.
Those with serious detoxification symptoms may decrease the supplementation to one capsule a day, drink plenty of water, eat wholesome, fresh foods and gradually increase it over time.
This dietary supplement encourages your own cells to produce glutathione naturally ; thus there is minimal side effects or drug interactions when one is taking this product. The body feedback regulates the amount of glutathione in the system, while the excess is excreted via urine (Renal excretion). In so doing, the body automatically adjusts to the desired level of glutathione that needs to be in circulation at any given time to offset oxidative damage.
Who shouldn’t take Cellgevity?
Children(under age 20) are exempted from taking this product because they naturally have optimal levels of glutathione in their body. Levels tend to gradually decline from age 20 (apprx 1% every year).
– Pregnant women are also excluded, as not enough studies have been done to analyse risk to benefit.
– Allergy to mushroom is also a contraindication. Cellgevity has Cordyceps which is obtained from a mushroom extract, hence those who are allergic to mushrooms (and vegeterians)  may find an alternative in MAX ONE. (This is pure Riboceine, without the 12 synergistic ingredients)
When will I feel results with Cellgevity?
Cellgevity produces a higher, more stable level of energy that you will likely feel the first day you use it. More important, as your glutathione (GSH) level increases over time, you will begin to experience the most important benefits of higher levels of GSH. Your enhanced immune system will make you less susceptible to illness and the effects and multiple ailments of aging. You will also experience a higher level of alertness and experience a more rapid recovery from strenuous exercise with shorter periods of soreness.
I’ve seen inexpensive “GSH” capsules in health food stores… will they achieve similar results?
Unfortunately, no. Orally supplementing with pure glutathione is a good idea, but just not practical. The fragile tripeptide structure of glutathione makes surviving the digestive tract a near impossibility.

Is this product licensed by the FDA?

Yes, Cellgevity is licensed for use in Ghana by the FDA. It has also been licensed in several other countries.
So why does it say comments are not approved by FDA on box?
Simple answer : Drugs and prescriptions are FDA approved because they are pharmaceutical drugs that are developed, produced, and marketed licensed for use as medications. Cellgevity is NOT a pharmaceutical drug. Cellgevity is a nutraceutical supplement. It is all natural and the word nutraceutical comes from “Nutrition” and “Pharmacy”.Nutraceutical is one of the US’s largest manufacturers and marketers of quality branded nutritional supplements sold to health and natural food stores. All these vitimans that you buy in whole foods, vitamins shop, or GNC are not FDA approved because they are not a pharmaceutical drug.
Answers to other commonly-asked questions.
  • Max International nutritional products are designed to support the natural release and activity of Glutathione in the body. Greater quantity of circulating Glutathione equates to a greater quality of health and well being.
  • Cellgevity is NOT genetically-modified.
  • There are no known nutrient–nutrient interactions with Cellgevity.
  • The product is patented.
  • Because Max International products are NOT drugs but a nutritional supplements, we cannot make any claims of any sort when it comes to “curing” or “healing” any type of medically recognised condition or disease. If you are a Max International Distributor and you make medical claims of any sort, your distributorship will be cancelled immediately. This is to protect the genuine network marketers that understand the best way to promote such powerful products as supplied by Max International… is by word of mouth.


  1. Where do I get it and how much is it?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Pls call 0264453227 to purchase

  2. How Lon will I see da effects of cellgevity when I start taking it?days,weeks,or months?

    1. From the first day. Take 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Pls are those with heart and lungs conditions included?

  5. Pls are those with heart and lungs conditions included?

    1. Cellgevity is not meant to diagnose, cure or treat any medical conditions. It's a food supplement that enhances glutathione production. Glutathione then, goes on to do amazing things in the body as listed on this page.

  6. Can Cellgevity cure sicknesses? If yes which ones can it cure and which ones can it not?

    1. Cellgevity is not meant to diagnose, cure or treat any medical conditions. It's a food supplement that enhances glutathione production. Glutathione then, goes on to do amazing things in the body as listed on this page.

  7. Is it okay to take it only once a day (2 capsules)?

    1. Recommended daily dosage is 2 capsules, twice daily. It's ok to take two capsules once a day, however underdosing might not produce the desired effect for the one taking it.

  8. George: For how long do i have to take cellgevity

  9. George: For how long do i have to take cellgevity

    1. Chronic use is actually beneficial. As long as you want to feel increased energy, sleep better, get better focus, and all the other benefits listed.

  10. What happens when I use cellgevity for a long time and then stop using it.

  11. You won't experience any adverse effects. However if you experience great health benefits while on it, why would you stop ? :-)

  12. Is it good to take two in the morning and two in the evening?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. No please
      Recommended dosage is twice daily. Any overdose will not held the desired effect

  13. No please
    Recommended dosage is twice daily. Any overdose will not held the desire effect.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Can a 20 years old person takes the dosage?

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  17. No please
    They are exempted from taking this product because they naturally have optimal levels of GLUTATHIONE in their body

  18. Which of the intake is best; before meals or after meals??

  19. How much is 2 months supply in nigeria. Pls how can I buy it.

  20. Please can this product cure hepatitis b

    1. It will help boost your liver cells and that is where the miracle happens

  21. Pls can I take it n still continue my folic acid oral

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  23. Hi please am taking mine 2capsules morning and 2capsules evening is the best way?

  24. Hi I just bought one bottle. I live in New Jersey and I have condition called rheumatoid arthritis, Can I take this vitamins with my other medications?

  25. I felt very happy while reading this site. This was really very informative site for me. I really liked it. This was really a cordial post. Thanks a lot!.

  26. Gideon I

    The following are questions asked based on Cellgevity. Please I need a favourable answers.

    1. Why does Cellgevity restricted from nursing mothers, children and pregnant women?
    2. What is Cordyceps? Why should those who are alleged to Mushroom Cordyceps restricted from taking Cellgevity?
    3.What is SOY Lecithin? And what is the effect in the body?
    4. Does this supplement contain Glutathione?
    5. Can those with High Blood Pressure take Cellgevity?
    6. Cellgevity is it an herbal extraction product of drug, since is food supplement?
    7. What age is preferred to take Cellgevity?
    8. Are there any side effect from taking Cellgevity ?
    9. Why do we need Cellgevity?
    10. Who is to take Cellgevity?
    11. What makes Cellgevity preferred since we have other food supplement products in the market?

    1. Most of your questions are addressed in the article

  27. Can the product cure high blood pressure please

    1. Our products are not meant to cure, treat or diagnose any disease. They raise glutathione levels in your system, and as that happens amazing things occur in your body

  28. Can cellgevity help in weight loss

    1. No please, We have Meta Switch for that pls.

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  30. At what age range is cellgevity good for consumption?

  31. Iam a 40 year old man from Nigeria. At my age is it medically suitable that I begin taking cellgivity or should I wait a little longer? To be more precise, AT WHAT AGE RANGE WILL IT BE BEST TO START TAKING CELLGIVITY, BECAUSE AT THE MOMENT, I FEEL STRONG & YOUNGER INSIDE?

    1. You can take cellgevity at any time and begin to experience the numerous benefits of having optimized levels of glutathione in your system.

  32. Pls the monthly pack contains how many capsules?
    how much is the monthly pack?
    how do I purchase it?
    do I need to register as a member to get a discount?

    1. Monthly pack contains 4 small containers/bottles. Each bottle has 30 capsules and lasts one week. So in total, you have 120 capsules in the monthly pack.
      Yes pls call if interested in joining Max

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  42. Someone recommend this supplement to my baby of five years who is having autistic syntomes and having delay in talking.he says I should be dividing the supplement into two and be giving her half of it daily.pls what can you say about it.

  43. Can 21 years old take cellgivity
